Usable YouTube
Makes YouTube more usable
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YouTube changes it's site design almost every other month, often moving links and features into more obscure places.
“Usable YouTube” adds a few features and adds a few links to make pages take less clicks to access.
Note that some of these features are only available for an account that is logged in, otherwise they simply do not come into play.
An uploading video can be canceled and deleted with a single click, without having to leave the tab.
Note: this only works if the “Your video will be live at:” notifier appears on the right. (usually doesn't appear on resumed uploads)
A few additional links are available where they were (approximately) before a previous update.
Because it's ridiculous that it went from taking 2 clicks to get to “My Videos”, to 3 clicks and a page change.
A button to easily toggle annotations is added next to the settings button, taking only 1 click rather than 3.
This only appears if annotations are available on a video and the HTML5 player is being used.
) usage:
file into the window